
When it comes to effectively conserving our most significant unprotected lands, working together is key. Collaboration and collective action enable us to scale solutions across landscapes; engage groups at national, state, and local levels; and better mobilize funding to make a greater conservation impact.

TennGreen Land Conservancy works closely with fellow conservationists, community leaders, and government partners to help them acquire important properties and connected spaces for wildlife habitat, our health, our communities, and our enjoyment.

Sunrise at Black Mountain. Photo Credit: Chuck Sutherland


There are three primary ways TennGreen is involved in Acquisitions:

On Behalf of Government Partners

In certain situations, TennGreen Land Conservancy works on behalf of local, county, state, and federal agencies to acquire properties. Typically, these acquisitions are completed to create or expand a park, natural area, or wildlife management area for public access and recreation or to protect important conservation values.

In many cases, TennGreen becomes involved due to a governmental partner being unable to purchase the property within the seller’s desired timeframe. When this happens, TennGreen purchases the property on behalf of its partner, and holds it until the partner is equipped to take ownership. Occasionally, TennGreen fundraises for these acquisitions.

Fundraising Support

TennGreen Land Conservancy often steps in to support and leverage the land protection efforts of other conservation groups. In these cases, TennGreen assists partners by spearheading fundraising initiatives to help them successfully complete their acquisitions and their transfers of the land for public enjoyment.

By Donation or Bargain Sale

When practical for a seller, TennGreen Land Conservancy negotiates a land donation or bargain sale of a property. Typically, these properties are acquired by TennGreen to then be transferred to another organization or government agency for public use. When donating all or a portion of a property, the seller is able to seek a tax deduction and leave their conservation legacy for future generations.

Our Acquisitions