Jackson County

Blackburn Fork WMA

Project Partners

The Conservation Fund, TWRA, Allen Branton


TennGreen Land Conservancy and The Conservation Fund acquired 82 acres of forested land for an addition to the Blackburn Fork Wildlife Management Area in Jackson County, Tennessee.

This strategic purchase protects approximately 1.25 miles of land along Blackburn Fork State Scenic River (SSR) and its tributaries, furthering efforts to protect and enhance the region’s natural beauty and ecological significance.

The Blackburn Fork SSR, designated as a State Scenic River in 1968, is a vital waterway that also serves as the lifeblood of Cummins Falls State Park, another successful conservation project spearheaded by TennGreen. The acquired property is located within the Roaring River Conservation Opportunity Area (COA), a priority region that contains three of Tennessee’s 21 State Scenic Rivers. This acquisition not only safeguards critical riparian habitats, but bolsters conservation efforts in one of Tennessee’s most ecologically valuable areas.

The property will be transferred to the State of Tennessee to expand the Blackburn Fork Wildlife Management Area (WMA), a unique conservation site originally created through the collaboration of TennGreen and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA). The Blackburn Fork WMA will grow significantly with this addition, enhancing its role as a haven for wildlife and outdoor recreation.
The acquisition builds on the legacy of the Branton family, which has played a pivotal role in the establishment and growth of the Blackburn Fork WMA. In December 2007, Gretel and Allen Branton donated a conservation easement on 423 acres of land to TennGreen ensuring its permanent protection. Subsequent land donations by the Brantons in 2011 and 2014 contributed 162 acres and 262 acres, respectively, which were later transferred to TWRA. These generous contributions laid the foundation for the creation and expansion of the Blackburn Fork WMA.

As Middle Tennessee’s population continues to expand, conservation of land and water resources becomes increasingly urgent and necessary. To determine places where these efforts will have the most successful long-term impacts, TennGreen utilizes its data-driven Strategic Land Conservation Plan to identify and prioritize vulnerable landscapes that provide significant ecosystem services.
The continued expansion of Blackburn Fork Wildlife Management Area not only protects the forests and lands along this State Scenic River, but conserves a corridor of protected lands. Protected land corridors are vital because they give wildlife space to roam and thrive while safeguarding the clean air and water.

The conservation of the Blackburn Fork SSR and its surrounding lands underscores TennGreen’s ongoing dedication to protecting Tennessee’s critical landscapes. By working closely with partners like The Conservation Fund and TWRA, TennGreen ensures that these cherished natural resources are preserved for future generations to enjoy.