Photo Credit: Tom Wood
Coffee County
Bark Camp Barrens WMA
Project Partners
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
Through a partnership with the State, TennGreen Land Conservancy assisted in the 247-acre expansion of Bark Camp Barrens Wildlife Management Area and protected significant habitat for grassland birds and other small wildlife.
On behalf of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), TennGreen purchased 247 acres to expand Bark Camp Barrens Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Manchester, Tennessee. TWRA manages Bark Camp Barrens WMA as a mixture of mature oak-hickory forests with areas of warm season grasses. These grasses have many benefits including high drought and heat tolerance, erosion control, and disease resistance. Unlike other habitats, grasslands provide small wildlife and insects (i.e., butterflies) open space at ground level in which they can reproduce, grow, and move freely.
Bark Camp Barrens WMA is one of very few in the state where parts are specifically managed for grassland birds and, according to TWRA, it is one of the best places in Tennessee to spot the rare migrant and breeding bird: the Henslow’s Sparrow. This small and secretive grassland bird is said to sing most actively at dusk and dawn; however, its song—which has been described as sounding like a hiccup—can sometimes be heard on a quiet night when the moon is very bright. Rather than fly, Henslow’s Sparrows often run away through the grass when threatened by predators, which is why grassland habitat in WMAs such as Bark Camp Barrens is crucial for their survival.
TennGreen transferred the 247-acre property to TWRA in July 2018. Now under the State’s management, the acquired land has expanded the WMA and connected its two previously-separate grassland and mature oak-hickory forest sections.