Davidson County

Blueberry Hill at Beaman Park

Project Partners

Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation


TennGreen Land Conservancy acquired and sold 13 acres of significant, forested land to assist in the expansion of Beaman Park.

Just northwest from downtown Nashville, Beaman Park was established through the generosity of Lee Beaman and his mother, Sally Beaman, in honor of her husband, Alvin G. Beaman. This 1,688-acre park lies on the Highland Rim just outside of the Nashville Basin, and contains pristine springs, clear running streams and waterfalls; forested slopes; diverse vegetation; and incredible wildlife.

In 2013, a small tract of privately-held land adjoining the park became available for purchase, and the owner had intentions to subdivide the land and build private homes. TennGreen Land Conservancy recognized the importance of this tract to Beaman Park and approached the landowners to request that they consider a sale to TennGreen. After careful negotiations, coupled with the landowners’ understanding of the significance of the land, TennGreen purchased the property and sold it at a reduced price in May 2016 to Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation for an addition to Beaman Park.