Legacy Giving
You can create your legacy, possibly reduce estate taxes, and fulfill your philanthropic goals by simply including TennGreen Land Conservancy in your estate plan. TennGreen offers a variety of options to choose from.
A bequest is a simple way to give a gift of cash, securities or personal property under the terms of your will or living trust. TennGreen is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
If you include TennGreen in your will or living trust, please name the organization as TennGreen Land Conservancy (Federal Tax ID #: 62-1557574). For a simple codicil template, click here now.
Gift of Life Insurance Policy, IRA, or Retirement Plan
Naming TennGreen Land Conservancy as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, financial account, or qualified retirement plan is an excellent way to make a larger contribution than you may otherwise be able to provide with a gift of cash or securities during your lifetime.
Also, the payout from a qualified retirement plan will not be subject to income tax if paid to TennGreen. The process is easy! Simply contact your account manager and update the beneficiary form.
Gift of Real Estate
Let your land be your legacy. Gifting your land through your estate plan will enable TennGreen to protect its conservation values.
If you prefer to gift your land or residence now, you can enter into a Life Estate Agreement which enables you to continue enjoying and using your property during your lifetime.
Designating your gift as “unrestricted” enables TennGreen’s Board of Directors to apply it where it will have the greatest impact. Please consult with your attorney or estate planner to select the charitable gift that’s right for you.
To discuss your options and take the first step towards creating your conservation legacy, please email our experts at legacy@tenngreen.org or call (615) 329-4441 today.
Please note that the information above is intended only as an introduction. All donations are subject to approval via TennGreen’s Gift Acceptance Policy. Please be sure to consult your legal and financial advisors for counsel and tax advice.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to save wild areas. I discovered my passion for saving the land when I was in grade school and money was being raised to save Radnor Lake. I contributed approximately $7.00, which was all I had at the time.
When I was young, once a year or so, my mother would take me on a trail ride at Percy Warner Park, which used to have stables where you could go on a one- or two-hour trail ride. This was so magical to me.
Later in life, I’ve hiked extensively in this park. I’ve loved Percy Warner Park my entire life. If we didn’t have these outdoor areas, and other areas nearby, our quality of life would be diminished. I’m grateful to Col. Luke Lea for donating this treasure to the people. His donation is my inspiration for putting TennGreen Land Conservancy into my will.
TennGreen saves land in many ways—whether it transfers a property to a conservation partner or simply puts a conservation easement on the land. All of the uses are essential for our well-being. I especially appreciate that TennGreen is so attentive to protecting areas that will be accessible to people. I believe that you cannot appreciate that which you cannot access.
Of course, there’s the additional benefit that land conservation provides of protecting the source of our water supply, the biodiversity of our species, and the habitat for our wildlife. However, if people cannot experience it firsthand, they will not value it. Which is why TennGreen stands out from the many other wonderful groups dedicated to saving our treasured lands…They let people in.
Mary Buckner, Member of TennGreen Land Conservancy (Nashville)