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Honoring Decades of Service

TennGreen Land Conservancy would like to express its gratitude to Dr. Charles Womack of Cookeville and Director Gary Myers of Brentwood for their long-time service on TennGreen’s Board of Directors.

Dr. Charles Womack
Board Service: 2000 – 2021

Since TennGreen’s first acquisition project of Black Mountain near Crossville, Dr. Charles Womack has been a fearless and proactive supporter of the organization’s mission. An avid hiker, respected politician, and rock-star fundraiser, Dr. Womack’s drive to conserve the best of Tennessee led to many of TennGreen’s successes throughout his time as Chair and Middle Tennessee VicePresident.

Dr. Womack’s unrelenting passion and championship for conservation have resulted in the completion of countless projects that protect our lands and waters for future generations. Completed projects include Bee Rock, Black Mountain, Crusher Hole at Fall Creek Falls, Cummins Falls, Devilstep Hollow/Head of Sequatchie, Stillhouse Hollow Falls, Welch’s Point, and Virgin Falls—just to name a few! Dr. Womack is exceptionally skilled at securing funds for critical acquisitions. Often, he’s kickstarted urgent land protection opportunities by rallying his extensive network of contacts  and friends.

Dr. Womack has played a significant role in conserving more than 40,000 acres of land where people and nature can thrive. TennGreen is forever grateful for his gifts to Tennessee’s natural world.

“Chuck has provided exemplary leadership throughout his 21 years of service on the Board and has been instrumental in TennGreen’s growth and success over the past two decades.  Thank you, Chuck, for your personal guidance and support, and mostly for your unwavering commitment to conserving the best of Tennessee.”
-Steve Law, Executive Director


Gary Myers
Board Service: 2008 – 2021

Gary Myers—one of the longest-serving leaders of a state conservation agency in United States history—worked as the Executive Director of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for 30 years before joining TennGreen Land Conservancy’s Board of Directors.

Widely recognized by his peers and conservation organizations throughout the country, Director Myers has received numerous honors during his acclaimed career, including the George Bird Grinnell Memorial Award for Distinguished Service to Natural Resource Conservation. Knowing the government’s important role in land use, Director Myers championed the Tennessee Wetlands Act, the State and Local Parks and Recreation Act, and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. In recognition of his role leading the Migratory Bird Joint Ventures program, the Secretary of the Interior selected him to be the first representative for the Mississippi Flyway on the National Flyway Council. This program resulted in hundreds of thousands of conserved acres of critical habitat for waterfowl and other migratory bird species.

While on TennGreen’s Board, Director Myers advocated for and secured funding to advance projects at Blackburn Fork Wildlife Management Area and Cummins Falls. He helped secure public funding for restoration with the Forever Green Tennessee initiative, which resulted in tens of thousands of acres conserved.

“It’s been an honor to work alongside Gary for the past six years. A true professional in every aspect, Gary has quietly helped mold TennGreen into the successful organization it is today. Thank you, Gary, for your 13 years of service to TennGreen and for your distinguished career that helped conserve hundreds of thousands of acres across the U.S.”
-Steve Law, Executive Director

TennGreen is grateful for the legacy of leadership that these passionate and knowledgeable men have provided throughout the years. We’re thankful for their gifts of time and treasure, ensuring TennGreen’s strong foundation will continue.


Click here to view TennGreen’s Board of Directors.