Photo Credit: J. Paul Moore
Davidson County

West Meade Waterfall

PROJECT PARTNERS Save the West Meade Waterfall, Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation

In 2013, TennGreen acquired 3.77 acres of property known as the West Meade Waterfall. The property was transferred to Metro Parks in 2015.

Hidden in a shady cove in a hollow in West Meade is the rushing, mighty waterfall after a rain storm—or a soft trickle in the dry summer. It is a place for inspiration. The waterfall is the headwaters to Richland Creek, feeding directly into Jocelyn Hollow Creek which traverses east into Richland Creek. Behind the waterfall lie dozens of acres of mature forest.

The land is home to sensitive flora and fauna, including wildflowers, salamanders; and even a bobcat has been spotted roaming the land. In 2013, TennGreen Land Conservancy purchased the West Meade Waterfall using funds from its Emergency Land Fund. In 2014, the conservancy led a fundraising campaign to replenish this fund and, in 2015, Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation took ownership of the 3.77-acre property.

This waterfall is located in a residential neighborhood. If visiting it, please be respectful.