White County

Horsebluff Falls (Burgess Falls)

Project Partners

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation


TennGreen Land Conservancy assisted in the conservation of Horsebluff Falls, a 25-acre tract to preserve rare species, a wet-weather waterfall, and scenic views.

Horsebluff Falls is a 25-acre parcel along Falling Water River and within the viewshed of Burgess Falls State Natural Area. TennGreen Land Conservancy purchased this tract in August 2012 to help preserve the 18 rare species contained in the Falling Water River watershed and the view from the overlook at the Big Falls (in Burgess Falls State Natural Area).

Additionally, this property contains a wet-weather waterfall known as Horsebluff Falls which, in the springtime, is covered with transient wildflowers and has a beautiful view of the river. TennGreen transferred this property to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to expand Burgess Falls State Park.