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A Farewell Letter from our Executive Director

After nearly seven years at TennGreen Land Conservancy, Executive Director Steve Law has announced his intention to retire at the end of September. This change comes at a time when the organization is achieving tremendous success and is poised for the next generation of leadership. To ensure a smooth and effective transition, Alice Hudson Pell will advance from Associate Director of TennGreen Land Conservancy to Interim Executive Director effective September 16th. Read Steve’s full farewell letter below.


Dear Friends,

For nearly seven years, I have had the distinct honor and privilege to lead TennGreen Land Conservancy as its Executive Director. It has been the culmination of a long, rewarding, and successful career. But the time has now come for me to choose a different path and move onto the next chapter of my life…retirement. And so, it is with mixed emotions that I say goodbye and announce my retirement effective September 30th. 

TennGreen is blessed with an incredibly professional, talented, and dedicated staff; a highly committed and supportive Board of Directors; and hundreds of generous donors like YOU who believe so strongly in our land conservation mission and help transform our vision into reality. 

During my tenure, I am especially proud that we elevated TennGreen’s stature in the conservation community, expanded and strengthened our conservation partnerships, more than doubled the average number of acres conserved per year, successfully fulfilled a visionary five-year strategic plan, rebranded the organization with a new name and appearance, increased the capacity of our Revolving Land Fund, established a strong endowment, and created a Strategic Land Conservation Plan that will proactively guide TennGreen’s conservation efforts well into the future. I am honored to have been a part of this incredible growth.

It’s impossible to acknowledge everyone that has played a special role in my TennGreen career, but I want to give special thanks to the Board Presidents that believed in me and supported my vision along the way…Dr. Chuck Womack, John Noel, Bob Tuke, and Dr. Mark Peacock. I would also be remiss if I didn’t give thanks to my predecessor, Kathleen Williams, for establishing a solid foundation on which to continue building and for so ably passing the torch. And finally, a heartfelt thanks to my fellow staff members for your professionalism, loyalty, and friendship. It has been an honor working beside you!     

I will be forever grateful to the Board and staff for this opportunity to be a part of this amazing team and make such a difference in conserving the best of Tennessee. As I enter the next phase of my life, I am confident that TennGreen will continue to evolve, mature, become an even stronger statewide conservation leader, and continue along the upward trajectory we have enjoyed for the past several years. Although I’m stepping away, my support for and engagement with TennGreen will not waiver. Thank you all for this wonderful journey!

Best wishes,

Steve Law
Executive Director, TennGreen Land Conservancy



Click here to read more about Steve’s tenure.