Kim Woodward

Stewardship Coordinator

Kim Woodward is the Stewardship Coordinator for TennGreen Land Conservancy. She moved to Nashville from Virginia, where she grew up and attended college, graduating with a Government degree from the College of William & Mary. Before landing in Tennessee, her adventurous spirit has taken her all over the world, including a two-year stretch in London. In her current role, Kim is responsible for annually stewarding all of TennGreen’s land holdings and conservation easements to ensure our conservation work is upheld.

Kim loves being outdoors and on the water, spending much of her free time exploring Tennessee’s beautiful landscapes and waterways. She’s an avid crossworder and loves rock climbing, hiking, and kayaking, and when not doing any of those things, she’s enthusiastically discovering Nashville’s restaurant and brewery scene.

Kim’s Favorite Hiking Spot:
Roan Mountain State Park