Morgan County
Wendell’s Airpark and Pass
Project Partners
Wendell’s Airpark and Wendell’s Airpass
Wendell’s Airpark and Pass consists of approximately 1,300 acres on the Cumberland Plateau. It was encumbered with a conservation easement in 2017.
The approximately 1,300 acre property contains mostly forested habitat which can provide habitat for game and nongame species. The property is within the North Cumberland Plateau and Mountains Conservation Opportunity Area (COA) outlined by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency’s State Wildlife Action Plan.
The property is within the Bone Camp Creek watershed which contains 3 rare species and is an aquatic priority (low) watershed for Greatest Conservation Need (GCN) species based on mapping by The Nature Conservancy.
Additionally, portions of the property contain terrestrial priority habitat The property is within 10 miles of many public properties including the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area Frozen Head State Park and State Natural Area Colditz Cove State Natural Area, and Rugby State Natural Area