Photo Credit: Chuck Sutherland

Van Buren County

Haston Point Gulf

Project Partners

State of Tennessee


In November 2022, TennGreen Land Conservancy acquired 84 acres adjacent to Fall Creek Falls State Park (SP). In an area of high conservation interest, the land known as “Haston Point Gulf” had long been an acquisition target to expand the park.

Haston Point Gulf is located one mile from the 838-acre Mullican tract, which TennGreen and partners added to Fall Creek Falls SP in October 2022. Haston Point Gulf was initially slated for public auction, but TennGreen was able to acquire it directly from the landowner, saving its remarkable geographic features at risk of reckless development or unsustainable forest harvesting.

With nearly one mile of Indian Camp Branch flowing through the property, the forested habitat of Haston Point Gulf provides essential protection for the riverbanks and streams that flow into the river. Indian Camp Branch flows into Cane Creek, which runs through Fall Creek Falls, and is known for its important scenic, recreational, geological, fish, and wildlife habitat qualities. Due to this connectivity to Fall Creek Falls, Indian Camp Branch is identified as an “Exceptional Tennessee Water.” Haston Point Gulf contains steep forested bluffs dropping from 1,700 feet to approximately 1,300 feet from the bluff’s edge into the deep ravine, which contains the flowing waters of Indian Camp Branch. Protection of these bluffs safeguards habitats for a variety of species and ensures that the waters flowing into Fall Creek Falls remain unpolluted.

Haston Point Gulf lies within the Middle Cumberland Plateau Conservation Opportunity Area, which identifies riparian buffer restoration and increased acres of critical habitat conserved as key changes needed. Additionally, the property is within a high conservation priority in the Southeast Conservation Blueprint, contains habitat identified as very high conservation priority according to the State Wildlife Action Plan, and lies within a climate resiliency corridor identified in TennGreen’s Strategic Land Conservation Plan.

TennGreen transferred Haston Point Gulf to State management in December 2022. The acquisition of this land expands upon TennGreen’s long partnership history in the region. Conservation projects nearby include the acquisition assistance of the Hardie Tract at Dog Cove, the conservation of Virgin Falls State Natural Area in 2012, and the creation of another hiking entrance to Virgin Falls in 2018. Additionally, the Haston Point Gulf acquisition adds to more than 10,000 acres conserved by TennGreen in White and Van Buren County.