Photo Credit: Chuck Sutherland

Van Buren County

Fall Creek Falls Inholdings

Project Partners

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation


In 2019, TennGreen purchased two small inholdings within Fall Creek Falls State Park at auction. These tracts have been a target for TDEC for many years.

Fall Creek Falls State Park is one of Tennessee’s most visited state parks. Named after the highest free-falling waterfall east of the Mississippi River—the 256-foot Fall Creek Falls—the park is home to a variety of activities, with more than 56 miles of trails, caves, overlooks, and waterfalls.

In early 2019, TennGreen purchased two significant inholdings of Fall Creek Falls State Park on behalf of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). These two properties, which total around 27 acres on the northwest side of the park, were areas of interest to TDEC for decades.

Prior to TennGreen’s acquisition, both tracts were privately-owned and the landowners planned to sell them at auction. However, in order to ensure that these lands would be available to the public, the landowners agreed to work with TennGreen directly. Acquisition of these forested lands, located near the meeting point of Camps Gulf Branch and Cane Creek, protect wildlife corridors and enable parks staff to more effectively maintain the park’s boundaries and highly-used amenities.