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Protecting & Restoring Critical Cedars of Lebanon Habitat
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Tennessee (Sept. 30, 2024) – TennGreen Land Conservancy has joined with Headwaters Reserve, LLC to protect and restore a high-risk stream habitat adjacent to Cedars of Lebanon State Park. Located on approximately 47 acres, the property’s streams and wetlands will be protected by a conservation easement held by TennGreen in perpetuity.
Stream restoration, a vital process that breathes new life into natural aquatic environments, is a key objective of this conservation easement, offering numerous benefits to both wildlife and the community.
This permanent protection and intentional restoration will help to remove pollutants from waters in one of the nation’s fastest-growing counties while benefiting Tennesseans and our cherished wildlife for generations to come.
“This project marks a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance and protect Tennessee’s natural environment,” remarked Kristen Hanratty, TennGreen’s Director of Private Land Conservation. “And by Headwaters Reserve restoring these landscapes, we’re not only improving hydrology and wetland function, but we’re increasing species and habitat diversity together. The Cedar Forest Conservation Easement is a lasting commitment to the environment, ensuring that these precious natural spaces continue to thrive for future generations of Tennesseans.”
How are streams like those at Cedars of Lebanon restored?
Experts first assess the current condition of the stream, identifying problems such as erosion or pollution, then develop a detailed restoration plan.
One of the first steps in restoration is stabilizing the stream banks. This can involve using natural materials like logs and rocks, as well as planting native vegetation to hold the soil in place. Restorers may reshape the stream to create meanders, pools, and riffles that mimic natural water flow patterns. These features provide diverse habitats for different species.
Native plants are crucial for stream health during the entire restoration process. They help filter pollutants, provide habitat, and prevent erosion. Planting efforts focus on trees, shrubs, and grasses that are native to the area.
Once the initial restoration work is complete, ongoing monitoring and maintenance are essential. This ensures that the restored stream continues to thrive and provides the intended benefits. Restored streams often become beautiful, natural spaces where people can enjoy recreational activities such as fishing, hiking, and birdwatching, fostering a connection to nature. And as a conservation easement, the Cedar Forest Conservation Easement area will remain a protected safe haven for salamanders, wildflowers, and all manner of local flora & fauna.